46 – The Shining (1980)

Is it racist to think that Scatman Crothers is a black man?Also the titles look like they were made with Windows Movie Maker.

Is it racist to think that Scatman Crothers is a black man?Also the titles look like they were made with Windows Movie Maker.

There’s something about The Shining that seems like it’s some sort of psychological experiment on  the human psyche devised by the guys who hire him who are actually scientists.The first 25 minutes gives that vibe anyway.Where to begin with this one?I’ll start with Danny and his ‘imaginary friend’ Tony who lives in his mouth and tells him things.We learn pretty soon into the film that this Tony’s not imaginary but some sort of psychic ability that was brought on when Danny got a clout of his dad a few years back.The Shining is the type of film that deserves a re-watch,maybe not straight away but maybe a couple of years after you first watch.There were parts that i completely over looked or just plain forgot since the last time i saw it.In my mind i thought it was about a guy who went loopy and tried to kill his family.The part where he sells his soul for a drink is a key scene that i forgot about.The camera work and imagery is superb,even the opening scene with the car meandering it’s way up to the hotel is shot super well,really smooth.Anyone else who has seen the film will remember all the other iconic sets ans scenes:like the elevator blood scene,the axe breaking into the bathroom or the maze zoom from above.I noticed that a lot of the same writers/authors works are reoccurring on the list.I think this is the 4th Kubrick film,i know Chaplin is next and that’ll be his 4th,then there’s Stephen King.I’ll wait till the end until i get into that one.

IMDB RATING      –     8.5
MY RATING     –    8.2
RECOMMEND?     –     YES